Sermons from Bay Vista Baptist ChurchShepherding the Flock
Peter turns his attention from the churches at large to speak to the “elders,” the leaders of those churches. His admonition to them is also an expectation that church members should have of their leaders.
Judgment Is Coming
Judgment is not just a concept for other people, in the future; it applies to us in the present. Peter tells his readers that judgment on earth is a real possibility, and that commitment to God is the best way to endure it.
Suffering as a Saint
Peter wrote to Christians about facing suffering; these Christians were about to be blamed for the burning of Rome under Nero. He told them that suffering for the sake of the gospel helps to purify believers and glorify God’s name.
The End Is Near
Nearly every Christian has felt that Jesus will return in their lifetime. Even if He does not return in our lifetime, though, we are each one day closer to the end of our ability to live for Him. What should we be doing as we look toward the “near” return of Christ?
Dead to Self
Our culture values the strong self, the person who pulled themselves up by their own boot straps. However, Peter encourages us by telling us that, by denying ourselves, we can have victory over sin and a testimony that will get the attention of a self-focused world.
Our Hope Is Built on Nothing Less
Peter encourages his readers to be zealous in their hope, and to be ready to give a defense for their hope. Like them, we also should be fearless in living, defending, and sharing our hope with others.
Living Water for the Quilombolas
TJ and Kerrie Helsel are missionaries with LINC-UP Missions, working with the Living Water Project to provide safe drinking water for the Quilombola tribe in Brazil. They shared their work, how God brought them to this ministry, and the call on all Christians to spread the gospel.
The Victor
Through His resurrection, Jesus proved that He has the victory over sin, death, and the grave. In addition to that, it also opened the door for each of us to have a relationship with God that goes far beyond just an escape from hell.
Christ, Our Example
Jesus not only came to give Himself as a sacrifice for our sins; He also set an example for us to follow as we attempt to live for Him. He not only showed us how to live in a culture that is opposed to the things of God, He also showed us that He came to complete a work that we could not do ourselves.
When the instruments of an orchestra are tuned together, and their players follow the conductor, there is great harmony; what happens before the tune-up, though, is more like a cacophony. Peter describes the way Christians should relate to the world by using the word “harmony;” how are we to be harmonious in this cacophonous world?