
Sermons from Bay Vista Baptist Church

On the Road Again

Today we continued looking at Abram’s road to faith. This sermon tells us of how Abram renewed his journey, that he was called upon by God, and began building altars to worship God and demonstrate his faith.

Genesis 12:4-9     Bro. Danny Nance     May 14th, 2023

The First Part of the Journey

Today we listened to Bro. Danny tell us about how God called Abram to leave his home. This call to Abram was only half followed and yet God still kept His promise and made Abram a great nation.

Genesis 11:31-12:3     Bro. Danny Nance     May 7th, 2023

Judgement on the World

Today our service was lead by Brother Bill as he told us of the judgement of the world. This sermon is very important to remind us that the natural bent of the world is evil and that judgement is the natural response to that.

John 3:18-21     Bro. Bill Collum     April 23rd, 2023

It is Time to Grow Up

This sermon was brought to us by Bro. Danny from the book of 1 Corinthians. This sermon reminds us that we need to not remain as children, but to grow in our relationship with Christ.

1 Corinthians 13:9-20     Bro. Danny Nance     April 16th, 2023

Christ Is Risen Indeed

Today we celebrated the Lord’s resurrection on this beautiful Easter morn. This sermon is a good reminder that even though Christ died for us, He didn’t stay in the grave. He is alive and waiting for us to join Him in heaven.

1 Corinthians 15:12-20     Bro. Danny Nance     April 9th, 2023

The Lord's Supper

Today we celebrated the Lord’s Supper by partaking in communion. In this message, Brother Danny told us of the triumphant entry and how the people were mistaken in believing Christ came to conquer the Romans.

Matthew 21:1-11, 26:26-29     Bro. Danny Nance     April 2nd, 2023

Emulating God's Love

Today we had a special sermon given to us by Brother Bill Collum from the book of John. This sermon reminds us that we ought to be showing God’s love to the world through our words and actions.

John 3:16-18     Bro. Bill Collum     March 26th, 2023

That Which Remains

Today as finish our journey through the book of 1 Corinthians, we looked at all that remains for us to learn about love. Brother Danny told us that Paul said that of Faith, Hope, and Love, the greatest of them is Love.

1 Corinthians 13:8-10,13     Bro. Danny Nance     March 19th, 2023

Loves True Nature

Today Brother danny told us of the nature of love. He mentioned how Paul described love and how we are to rejoice in the promise of love. This message should be taken to heart by all those that hear it because it reminds us of how powerful God’s love for us is.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7     Bro. Danny Nance     March 12th, 2023

Without Love

This morning Brother Danny shared with the congregation the importance of love in the Christian life using 1 Corinthians Chapter 13, verses 1-3. In this passage, Paul makes it abundantly clear that without love, our actions are meaningless, our Christian lives are meaningless, and our witness about Christ are meaningless. For the Christian to live without love is an oxymoron of the greatest degree. Do you show love in your life?

1 Corinthians 13:1-3     Bro. Danny Nance     March 5th, 2023
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