
Sermons from Bay Vista Baptist Church

God Reaches Out

Today we finished our journey through the book of Jonah. Brother Danny told us how God used a plant to remind Jonah that everyone deserves a chance at salvation, not just those we deem worthy.

Jonah 4:6-11     Bro. Danny Nance     February 26th, 2023

Pouting Before the Lord

As we near the end of our journey through the book of Jonah, Brother Danny took the time to remind us that we need to not let our emotions guide our sense of right and wrong. We need to remember that God’s way is the right way no matter what.

Jonah 4:1-5     Bro. Danny Nance     February 19th, 2023

Heartfelt Repentance

Today we looked at the response of the city of Ninevah to God’s delivered message of destruction, and an honest repentance towards God for grace and compassion. Unfortunately due to technical difficulties we had to cut off the start of the sermon in the podcast.

Jonah 3:5-10     Bro. Danny Nance     February 12th, 2023

An Accepted Call

Today we continued our study through the book of Jonah. In this sermon Brother Danny Shared with us how we need to be willing to answer God’s call in our lives. This sermon ought to remind us that God will overlook our past mistakes and call us to do His will no matter what.

Jonah 3:1-4     Bro. Danny Nance     February 5th, 2023

A Rescue Mission

Today we celebrated in having another joint service with New Community Baptist Church. The sermon today was given to us by Brother Danny Nance, in a continuation of our journey through the book of Jonah. Todays message reminds us that even when we try our best to rebel, God’s plan will always be fulfilled.

Jonah 1:17-2:10     Bro. Danny Nance     January 29th, 2023

You Must Be Born Again

Today our sermon was brought to us by Brother Bill. In this sermon Brother Bill told us the importance of the story of Nicodemus. This sermon is a good reminder that we have to be born again in Christ.

John 2:23-3:15     Bro. Bill Collum     January 22nd, 2023

The Truth About Consequences

Today we continued to progress through the book of Jonah, led by Brother Danny. Today’s sermon focused on how Jonah’s rebellion brought him consequences. We tend to forget that our actions have consequences sometimes, and that those consequences can lead us closer to God’s plan for our lives.

Jonah 1:4-16     Bro. Danny Nance     January 15th, 2023

Rejected Call

This morning, Brother Danny shared with us from the book of Jonah, using the first three verses to challenge us to listen for God’s call on our lives, and to make sure we heed that call when we hear it.

Jonah 1:1-3     Bro. Danny Nance     January 8th, 2023

Something Completely Different

This morning, as we observed the ordinance of The Lord’s Supper, Brother Danny reminded us that the Christian life is to be a life of service.

John 13:1-17     Bro. Danny Nance     January 1st, 2023

Advent Christ

Today we celebrated the fifth and final Sunday of Advent. This week we celebrated the birth of Christ with the lighting of the Christ Candle.

Luke 2:1-14     Bro. Danny Nance     December 25th, 2022
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